Event Calendar

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ERC Annual Conference 2024: Frontier Research Within and Beyond the Planetary Boundaries

08:30 - 18:00

Starts in 1 week from now


Brussels and webstreaming

Covent Garden (25th floor)
Place Rogier 16

The conference will focus on the key interfaces between the environment, humans, and technology within and beyond the Earth’s planetary boundaries and discuss what frontier research – with a focus on projects funded by the ERC - can offer to address these challenges. The boundaries themselves may be spatial, ecological, biological, physical, geopolitical or mental. 

Keynote speakers, thematic sessions and the final round table will address questions such as:

  • What are the planetary boundaries and tipping points, for whom, and in which timeframe?
  • How are we as humans having an impact on and beyond planet Earth, and what are the implications?
  • Why and how does planet Earth differ from other planets?
  • Is there (intelligent) life elsewhere, how do we know, and do we prepare to interact?
  • Why does this matter for the advancement of knowledge and impacts beyond science? 
  • What is the role of science diplomacy, e.g. to manage global commons such as the Arctic, Antarctica, the ocean floor, or outer space? 
  • How do science and art interact in exploring the relationship between humans and our environment in the present and future?

The complete programme, speaker bios and registration form are available in the announcement on the ERC website. 

Programme in brief

08.30 - 09.00 Reception and registration

09.00 - 09:30 Welcome

09.30 - 10:30 Keynotes and Q&A

10.30 - 10.45 Coffee break

10.45 - 12.15 Session 1: ENVIRONMENT within planet Earth and beyond

12.15 - 13.15 Lunch break

13.15 - 14.45 Session 2: HUMANS and our perceptions and impact on Earth and beyond

14.45 - 15.00 Coffee break

15.00 - 16.30 Session 3: TECHNOLOGY to help discoveries and to mitigate adverse impacts 

16.30 - 17.45 Round table

17.45 - 18.00 Concluding remarks

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image of Miricle - Mine Risk Clearance for Europe

Miricle - Mine Risk Clearance for Europe

The Miricle project, ‘Mine Risk Clearance for Europe’, obtained funding under the European Defence Industrial Development programme call ‘Underwater control contributing to resilience at sea’. The main objective of the project was to achieve a European and sovereign capacity in future mine warfare and create a path for the next generation ‘made in Europe’ countermeasure solutions. In order to realise this objective, Miricle addressed various stages: studies, design, prototyping and testing. These stages inter alia included the successful testing of an XL Unmanned Underwater Vehicle, a protototyped mine disposal system and multiple innovative systems to detect buried mines. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), was one of the five Belgian partners in the consortium. Within the project, VLIZ was able to forward its research on the acoustic imaging of the seabed to spatially map and visualize buried structures and objects - in this case buried mines - in the highest possible detail. VLIZ also led the work on ‘Port and Offshore Testing’, building on the expertise of the institute in the field of marine operations and technology.