Support for proposal writers
NCP Flanders guides stakeholders located in Flanders during the whole process of planning of and application to a Horizon 2020 call topic.

Planning of the project

Tips and tricks are elaborated in Horizon 2020 for beginners-general introduction powerpoint. Many of the priniples still apply under Horizon Europe, but since there are some novelties introduced under Horizon Europe, an updated presentation will be made available in the future.

Writing a proposal

In the Horizon 2020 for beginners-evaluation criteria (second half of the file) presentation, the steps of the evaluation process are elaborated in detail, which provides you with tips and tricks to write a good proposal.

Whom to contact?

The NCP advisor is open to receive your all your questions related to the Horizon 2020 calls. In the contact us section you can find the contact details of whom to turn to for which programme section.

Administrative, legal and financial issues are elaborated in Support for Legal and Financial issues.



image of YoPA – Youth-centered participatory action for a healthy lifestyle

YoPA – Youth-centered participatory action for a healthy lifestyle

The YoPA project, ‘a youth-centred preventive action approach towards co-created implementation of socially and physically activating environmental interventions’ obtained funding from Horizon Europe’s Health Cluster. The project addresses the multifaceted challenges of physical inactivity and health inequalities through a unique participatory approach. The project places teenagers between 12 and 18 years old in vulnerable situations at the forefront of the intervention process. The Institute of Tropical Medicine is a partner in the project and will conduct a Realist Evaluation to understand how youth co-creation contributes to improved adolescent health and well-being in four cities in Denmark, Netherlands, Nigeria and South Africa.  By integrating its results and sharing its approach in an open access Toolbox, ITM aims to contribute to fostering sustainable, youth-led solutions for healthier urban environments.