
Seminar: Export control in a geopolitical context
00:00 - 00:00

Starts in 1 month from now



Bd Simon Bolivar 17, 1000.
Security Cybersecurity Defence

The Flemish Department of Foreign Affairs - Strategic Goods Control Unit (dienst Controle Strategische Goederen) invites you to its annual event, which this year will focus on “Export Control in a Geopolitical Context.”

The seminar will explore the impact of and interactions with a European economic security strategy, as well as the growing opportunities in defence programs and funding.

Attendees will have the opportunity to meet the team, ask questions, and network.

More information on the agenda and on how to register for this event will soon be added to this page.


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Only for stakeholders located in Flanders

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image of INSPIRE - Centre of Excellence on inclusive gender equality in R&I

INSPIRE - Centre of Excellence on inclusive gender equality in R&I

Funded by Horizon Europe, under call topic HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-80, INSPIRE is Europe's Centre of Excellence on inclusive gender equality in research and innovation. It relies on four Knowledge and Support Hubs to create knowledge in the areas of sustaining change, widening participation, intersectionality and innovation. Moreover, it supports stakeholders in their journey to become more inclusive through 12 Communities of Practice. In this way, INSPIRE aims to develop both cutting-edge knowledge and innovative strategies for gender equality in the European Research Area. INSPIRE brings together 14 partners. The Belgian partner in this project is UHasselt.