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Report on COVID-19 impact on gender equality in research and innovation

Published on | 1 year ago

Programmes Enhancing EU R&I

This report presents the findings of the European Commission’s Expert Group on the COVID-19 impact on gender equality in Research and Innovation (R&I). The report highlights in particular the pandemic’s gendered impact on academic productivity, early career researchers (ECRs), and work-life balance. It investigates institutional responses and aims to bring forward unseen and marginalised experiences in academia. The recommendations are intended for R&I policymakers at national and EU-level, research funding organisations and research performing organisations. They present an opportunity for Member States and R&I organisations to apply the lessons learnt from the pandemic to the development of inclusive gender equality policies in the European Research Area (ERA). (from the report’s back cover)

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image of GLAUKOS - Circular Solution for the Textile Industry

GLAUKOS - Circular Solution for the Textile Industry

Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant coordinated the Glaukos project, which answered the call topic published in 2019 of Horizon 2020 Framework Programme ‘Develop bio-based fibres and/or functional molecules to improve the performance of textile products’ under the Framework of the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU). The consortium partners took up this challenge by valorising industrial side streams and setting up a circular approach to the textile industry.