Published on | 2 months ago
Programmes ERCThe final report and associated inventory of identified trusted repositories represent the output of a study conducted between September 2023 and September 2024 by an independent expert and commissioned by the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA).
The research presented is meant to update the “Study on the readiness of research data and literature repositories to facilitate compliance with the Open Science Horizon Europe Model Grant Agreement (HE MGA) requirements”, published in 2023. In this study the experts assess and analyse the readiness of research data and literature repositories to facilitate compliance with the Open Science requirements, in particular regarding the metadata of deposited research outputs, in the Horizon Europe Model Grant Agreement.
The final report, the inventory of identified trusted repositories and questionnaire used to survey repository managers are publicly available on Zenodo. A summary of the findings can be found in the summary and conclusions in the final report (p.1-2; 27-28). The purpose of the study is explained in this ERC news article.
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Only for stakeholders located in Flanders
The Project SeafoodTomorrow is a project that is approved within the call BG-08-2017: Innovative sustainable solutions for improving the safety and dietary properties of seafood.
The three-year SeafoodTomorrow project brings together 34 partners. From Flanders, ILVO takes part in the project.They are responsible for setting up two databases which are the central point of the project to gather all the project data from analysis and assessement. ILVO is also leader of the workpackage dealing with authenticity, traceability and labelling. ILVO is also involved a the workpackage about novel food preparation. And in the managerial part, ILVO is head of the IPC- Intellectual Property Comité.