Published on | 1 year ago
Programmes Horizon Europe Horizon 2020The European Commission’s Directorate-General Research and Innovation (DG RTD) has taken the initiative to set up the Commission Expert Group on the Interim Evaluation of Horizon Europe with a view to providing the Commission with recommendations for the future of the framework programme, based on the conclusions of the ex-post evaluation of Horizon 2020 and of the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe, in order to feed into the design of the next Framework Programme (2028-2034).
A call for applications for the selection of members of the European Commission expert group on the Interim Evaluation of Horizon Europe opened on 15 May and will close on 30 June.
The expert group shall consist of up to 15 members. A reserve list of suitable candidates that may be used to appoint replacements may be established.
Members shall be appointed for up to 16 months. The expert group shall meet six times in total on Commission premises or virtually. Members should be prepared to attend meetings, contribute actively to discussions, be involved in preparatory work ahead of meetings, to examine and provide comments on documents under discussion, and to act as 'rapporteurs' on an ad hoc basis.
Candidates should posess among others a proven and relevant competence and experience, including at European and/or international level, in areas relevant to the design, implementation and evaluation of Research and Innovation programmes and dispose of an expertise in one or more areas relevant to a component of Horizon Europe.
The application should include a cover letter, classification form, selection criteria form, CV and a declaration of interests form.
All information on the call for applications can be found in the announcement in the Register of Commission Expert Groups and Other Similar Entities
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