
EIT Higher Education Institutions Initiatve: Open Call for Proposals 2024 on Innovation & Entrepreneurship Capacity Building

Published on | 3 months ago

Programmes EIT

The EIC has recently opened the next call for proposals of the EIT Higher Education  Institutions (HEIs) Initiative.

The call aims to fund up to 42 projects, with a total duration of 25 months and an overall budget of EUR 1.34 million per project. Deadline to submit applications is 12 December 2024, 17:00 CET. The call will incorporate a two-strand approach, where applicants will need to select one of the following strands to apply to: 

  • Strand A: Innovation and entrepreneurship capacity building at higher education institutions (HEIs).
  • Strand B: Innovation and entrepreneurship capacity building at HEIs for the enhancement of Deep Tech.

Eligible applying consortia to the call must consist of a minimum of five full partner organisations, and comply with the criteria spelled out in the detailed call text. Organisations are encouraged to start preparing their application by reading the call text and to connect with partners on the dedicated networking platform. A series of info sessions is being held to guide applicants through the application process. Learn more about it here

More information about the call for proposals, who can apply and how on the dedicated EIT webpage.


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image of ROOT - Rolling Out OSNMA for the secure synchronization of Telecom networks

ROOT - Rolling Out OSNMA for the secure synchronization of Telecom networks

The ROOT project obtained funding under Horizon 2020 topic ‘EGNSS applications fostering societal resilience and protecting the environment’. The project, which ran from November 2020 to July 2022,  aimed to demonstrate the benefit of Galileo OSNMA signal to increase the robustness of critical telecom infrastructures.

The Flanders-based company Septentrio contributed substantially to completing this objective together with the other ROOT partners. The results of the project partially close a gap in the security of telecommunication networks dependent on satellite-derived time, with indirect benefits in curbing illegal attempts to disrupt network services.