
EU Defence Innovation Scheme (EUDIS) - Call for tender - Business Accelerator and Matchmaking

Published on | 8 months ago

Programmes Defence EDF NATO-EDA

DG DEFIS launched the call for tender this week for a Framework Contract (FwC) on a Business Accelerator and Matchmaking (BAMM) under the EU Defence Innovation Scheme (EUDIS). Please see EU Funding & Tenders Portal ( for more information

The Business Accelerator  aims to strengthen start-up and scale-up companies’ knowledge of defence end-users needs, and the companies’ business development and go-to-market capabilities. It will also help improve the companies’ access to financing, provide companies with a seed-financing voucher of EUR 65 000 per company and opportunities to meet with investors.

Additionally, matchmaking events will strengthen the companies’ networks and engagement with end-users, investors, and corporates. The first round of the EUDIS Business Accelerator batch will support 20 companies and is planned to be initiated in the end of 2024. The ambition is to increase the support to more companies in the coming years. 

The EUDIS Matchmaking supports the implementation of the Defence Equity Facility ( It will allow SMEs and small mid-caps’ business development in improving their access to financing, business partners and end-users. Companies joining EUDIS Matchmaking will have the opportunity to participate in matchmaking events across the EU and online, involving investors, governmental representatives, and corporates. EUDIS Matchmaking will establish an online platform to support the development of an innovation ecosystem and facilitate networking. EUDIS Matchmaking will also provide capacity building to investors to give them insights on defence market and technologies and provided tailored support to companies for pitching.  

The deadline for submitting tenders for this call is 19 August 2024.

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