Published on | 4 months ago
Programmes Enhancing EU R&IThe Commission’s ERA Forum Sub-group ‘Inclusive Gender Equality in the ERA has recently published a Zero-tolerance code of conduct. It aims to address incidents of gender-based violence in research and higher education environments by setting out a common approach, definitions, and a list of principles to guide all stakeholders and individuals in the ERA, to create a European Research and Innovation environment free from all forms of gender-based violence, based on the values of gender equality and inclusiveness, respect, dignity and safety.
A recent UniSAFE survey among 42.000 respondents shows that nearly 62% of students and academic staff have disclosed having experienced at least one form of gender-based violence in their place of work or study. Only 7% of students and 23% of staff who experienced gender-based violence in the context of their institution reported the incident. Other studies conducted as part of the project revealed that despite institutional advances, policies against gender-based violence generally lack effectiveness, are poorly designed and implemented, and rarely monitored and evaluated.
The GenderSAFE project calls on organisations and individuals to sign the pledge for zero tolerance to gender-based violence.
For more information on gender equality in Horizon Europe and research and innovation have a look at this infosheet.
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