Published on | 2 months ago
Programmes Digital, Industry & Space AI, data & cloud Deployment: Best use of technologiesThe OpenVerse project aims at integrating knowledge, experts and actors around the creation of inclusive, open and ethically responsible European Virtual Worlds. This is done in alignment with the European Commission’s strategy on Web 4.0 and Virtual Worlds.
As part its work, OpenVerse is conducting a landscaping exercise of initiatives that promote the uptake of Virtual Worlds technologies in each EU Member State. If you are involved in or aware of any Virtual World / Metaverse / Extended Reality initiative in Flanders, please contact Mattia Trino of the Big Data Value Association.
As a follow up, OpenVerse is planning a workshop on 22 January 2025, with the aim of reuniting all the initiatives and discuss together collaboration opportunities and the next steps that can be taken by this growing community!
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Only for stakeholders located in Flanders
Culture and society Agro-Food, Environment Missions
The TIDAL ArtS project is funded under the Mission for clean oceans and inland waters and combines the power of art and science to inspire action for our ocean and waters. In april they will publish a Lighthouse call for proposals of up to 15.000 euro per artistic work. The aim of the project is notably to create public art and raise awareness on... read more
Digital, Industry & Space Cybersecurity Defence EDF
We hereby want you to give an overview of the known activities related to the EDF 2025 calls: Publication of the European Defence Fund (EDF) Work Programme 2025 infosessions: Belgian and Flanders EDF infoday on February 21st in Brussels The EDF Info Days 2025 will take place on 2-3 April in hybrid format in&n... read more
Autoship is, as the name suggests, an acronym for autonomous ship. Just like with self-driving cars, the possibilities of an unmanned boat seem endless. It can create more efficient freight transport, around the clock deliveries and these are just a few of the examples. The project has two societal challenges.
At first, De Vlaamse Waterweg was a bit hesitant as their experience with FP7 or Horizon 2020 projects was limited and they had not been very successful up until then. The fact that they were already doing basic research on the topic of autonomous boats, and the administrative help of NCP FLanders helped De Vlaamse waterweg to cross the line and get involved.