
MSCA4Ukraine second call for applications: submission platform for host organisations opens in August

Published on | 6 months ago

Programmes MSCA MSCA

In April 2024 a €10 million top-up for the MSCA4Ukraine initiative was announced by the European Commission (Horizon Europe work programme 2023-2025 MSCA). For the second call it is expected approximately 50 fellowships (with a minimum duration of 6 months and a maximum duration of 24 months) will be awarded.

For the second call an Information for Applicants webpage with several call documents, including the application templates, a FAQ, and a webinar recording have been made available on the Scholars at Risk Europe website.

Applications must be submitted by prospective host organisations on behalf of displaced researcher(s) from Ukraine (candidate(s)). Host organisations can be academic or non-academic organisations in any EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country. Organisations located in Ukraine are not eligible to apply as primary host organisations but can host researchers during a secondment arrangement.

Candidates: either postdoctoral researchers or researchers who, on or after 24 February 2022, were enrolled as doctoral candidates at a higher educational institution in Ukraine, and who have been displaced from Ukraine on or after 24 February 2022 are eligible to be nominated. Only one proposal per individual researcher can be submitted. Current and former MSCA4Ukraine fellows are not eligible to be nominated.

The submission portal will be opened on 5 August and closed on 5 September 23:59h CEST. The access link will be made available on the Information for Applicants webpage.

The evaluation and selection process will take place between October 2024 and February 2025 and the expected start of the fellowships between April and June 2025. Between May and November 2025 applicants from the reserve list will be offered funding should any awarded fellowship offers be declined, until all available funds have been disbursed.

All information related to the second (and previous) call for applications to MSCA4Ukraine is available on the Scholars at Risk Europe website.

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image of RUSTICA - Converting organic residues into bio-based fertiliser products

RUSTICA - Converting organic residues into bio-based fertiliser products

The RUSTICA project obtained funding under Horizon 2020, more in particular under the topic ‘Closing nutrient cycles’.  RUSTICA focuses on demonstration and implementation of circular bio-based nutrient valorisation chains, focusing on waste from the fruit and vegetable agro-food system. The project kicked off in 2021 and will run until 2024. It will use a strong multi-actor approach to co-create both socio-economic and technological knowledge in four case study regions in Europe and one in Colombia. The Flanders-based company DRANCO is one of the project partners and acts as technical project manager for the entire project. DRANCO participates in the project to develop its own technologies, to network and to help make the transition to a more circular based economy.