
NCP Flanders survey still open until 13 October

Published on | 1 year ago

Programmes ERC MSCA RI Health Culture and society Security Digital, Industry & Space Climate, Energy, Mobility Agro-Food, Environment Joint Research Center EIC EIE EIT Widening/Spreading Enhancing EU R&I COST Missions New European Bauhaus Horizon Europe HorizonEU L+F Digital Europe HPC AI, data & cloud Cybersecurity Advanced Digital Skills Deployment: Best use of technologies European Digital Innovation Hubs ERC RI MSCA

NCP Flanders is conducting a short survey to collect feedback on its services and suggestions on how they can be further improved.

The NCP Flanders team greatly appreciates it if you could take a few minutes of your time (if you haven’t done so yet) to provide your answers and suggestions via this link.

The survey will be open for answers for another 2,5 weeks until 13 October 2023.

The survey is anonymous and structured along three main chapters: NCP assistance, info sessions, and NCP website & LinkedIn. If the responding person indicates not to know one of these aspects, the survey will automatically continue with the next chapter.

Thank you very much for your highly appreciated feedback!

Your NCP Flanders Team

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Only for stakeholders located in Flanders

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image of ScreenME - Enhancing excellence in screen media entrepreneurship

ScreenME - Enhancing excellence in screen media entrepreneurship

The Horizon2020 twinning project ScreenME has as its objective to enhance excellence in screen media entrepreneurship at Tallinn University (TLU). To do so, ScreenME has established a network of universities across Europe that aim to improve research into and teaching of entrepreneurship for the screen media industry. ScreenME will develop a teaching course and will kick off research initiatives and projects on entrepreneurial activities in media organisations. The research group on ‘Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology (SMIT)’ of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is partner in the network and is involved in two cross-cutting activities of the project: support for early stage researchers and developing stakeholder involvement.