Partnership website:
As a co-programmed partnership, Built4People brings together the public sector (the European Commission) and the private sector (ECTP and WorldGBC Europe) with the aim of channelling funding for the built environment, ensuring it is invested in projects which will accelerate innovations towards a sustainable, people-centric transformation of Europe’s built environment sector.
The objectives are scientific (generate holistic innovation for sustainability), economic (revitalise the sector via sustainable operation) and societal (induce behavioural change towards sustainable living). The objectives will be reached through a user-centric approach.
Various topics in the Horizon Europe cluster 5 work programme bear the label "Built4People". These topics contribute to achieving the objectives of this co-programmed partnership. You can find these call topics in the regular Horizon Europe cluster 5 work programme, e.g.:
HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-02-01: Industrialisation of sustainable and circular deep
renovation workflows (Built4People Partnership)
Partnerships group the EC and private and/or public partners, to coordinate and streamline the research & innovation initiatives and funding in some selected key domains.
Avia-GIS is a Belgian innovative SME established in 2001. They have built research and public authority trust over the past 19 years and developed a unique, disruptive software suite - VECMAP® - that supports society to overcome one of its important health threats, the spreading of Pests of Public Health importance.
With the help of a Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase 2 project, they will be able to add Integrated Pest Management functionalities and go to the market. With the grant, that was an essential component of their second investment round, Avia-GIS aims at raising its revenue from the current 2 M€ to 14.2 M€ in 2024, and increase the headcount from 15 to 58.