Partnership website:
European Partnership status fortifies EOSC with European funding of almost €500 million and an in-kind contribution of the partners of also €500 million. The aim is to improve the storing, sharing and especially the combining and reusing of research data across borders and scientific disciplines.
The Partnership brings together institutional, national and European initiatives and engages all relevant stakeholders to co-design and deploy a European Research Data Commons where data are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR).
This European contribution to a ‘Web of FAIR Data and Related Services for Science’ will enhance the possibilities for researchers to find, share and reuse publications, data, and software, leading to new insights and innovations, higher research productivity and improved reproducibility in science.
The Partnership represents a new governance for EOSC as the first implementation phase of EOSC begins. The Partnership includes the European Commission, the EOSC Steering Board and the EOSC Association. These three entities together comprise the Tripartite Collaboration, which serves to govern EOSC.
Partnerships group the EC and private and/or public partners, to coordinate and streamline the research & innovation initiatives and funding in some selected key domains.
The METHYLOMIC project, ‘targeting hope for personalised medicine in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases’ obtained funding from Horizon Europe’s Health Cluster. The project aims to personalise treatment allocation and enhance the effectiveness of medications for chronic immune-mediated diseases such as Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis. BIRD, the Belgian inflammatory bowel disease research and development group, is a partner in the project and is involved in the OmiCrohn trial, a prospective randomised clinical trial for individualised therapy in Crohn’s disease patients. With BIRD’s active role in this trial, the project is set to deliver predictive, biomarker-based therapies that bring renewed hope for Crohn’s disease patients across Europe.