
Personalised Medicine

Personalised Medicine

Partnership website:

This partnership aims to coordinate and promote research in the area of personalised medicine between the EU, EU countries and regions. The Partnership took off end of 2023. The first call for proposals was launched in January 2024.

The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed) aims to align and promote regional and national priority setting and funding for research and implementation projects in the field of personalised medicine among the EU Member States, regions and beyond. 

EP PerMed builds on over 15 years of EU-funded consortia, initiatives & events, but also on a wide range of national & European regional activities and efforts in all areas of the personalised medicine value continuum.

Key figures

  • Duration: 10 years
  • Total budget (national / regional plus EC contribution): Approximately 370 Mio. Euro
  • Partners: More than 50, mainly funding organisations from Europe and beyond

Participation Flanders

Grant Agreement negotiations for EP PerMed are ongoing. It is expected that the following Flemish partner organisations to participate in the Partnership:

Belgium (Flanders) Government of Flanders – Vlaams Gewest
Belgium (Flanders) Research Foundation – Flanders – Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
Belgium (Flanders) Flanders innovation & entrepreneurship – Fonds voor Innoveren en Ondernemen

The main objectives will be 

  • to ensure a faster uptake of research and innovation results into clinical practice, secure Europe's position in state-of-the-art healthcare provision
  • to facilitate a shift from a ‘one size fits all’ approach towards taking into account individual differences and better utilising the accumulating data to manage health, disease and its predisposition
  • to contribute towards more sustainable healthcare systems and independence in data intensive healthcare

Results will translate into delivery of better prevention and healthcare services, improved health outcomes for patients and citizens, and increased satisfaction with health systems.

Open & closed calls

A first joint transnational call for proposals under EP PerMed on "Identification or Validation of Targets for Personalised Medicine Approaches (PMTargets)" was launched in January 2024. The deadline for pre-proposals has passed. The result of the call for proposals is not expected before October 2024. First projects are expected to start end of 2024, beginning of 2025.

Information pages for stakeholders in Flanders:

- dedicated VLAIO webpage
- dedicated FWO webpage

You can register to EP PerMed's newsletter to be kept informed about future calls for proposals here.

Timeline & key documents

  • More information about the Partnership proposal (February 2022) 
  • In April 2023, the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda for the Personalised Medicine Partnership was published. The SRIA will support a wide range of stakeholders and experts to further develop programs, activities, and research towards personalised medicine and care, as well as prevention.
  • In October 2023, during the Spanish Presidency conference on Personalised Medicine, a pre-launch ceremony of the partnership took place. The presentation is available here.

PerMed-related initiatives supporting EP PerMed

Within EP PerMed, several earlier European Initiatives are joined under one roof. It will continue the activities of ERA PerMed in funding transnational innovation and research projects. In addition, EP PerMed will closely together with the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine ICPerMed for overarching strategic activities.

'ICPerMed Family' of Coordination and Support Actions:


Commission services:
The Partnership:

What are partnerships?

Partnerships group the EC and private and/or public partners, to coordinate and streamline the research & innovation initiatives and funding in some selected key domains.

How to use partnerships?

  • orientation
    Partnerships publish strategic documents, e.g. outlining the main research and innovation challenges or key focus points.
  • networking
    Partnerships often organise events, such as info days, brokerage events, etc. Meet potential partners and learn about the nuances that are not visible in the official documents.
  • ecosystem analysis
    Partnerships typically have an advisory board, and publish impact studies of previous actions. These are good sources of information to uncover the main R&D&I players in the domain.
  • steering the agenda
    Partnerships collaborate with the EC on outlining the strategy and the future funding opportunities in their domain, based on input from industry, academia, and other stakeholders.


image of ATHENA - Cybersecurity for the water sector

ATHENA - Cybersecurity for the water sector

The ATHENA project addresses emerging risks for the water sector in operational technology created by digitalisation. The project responds to Digital Europe call DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-03-UPTAKE-CYBERSOLUTIONS – Uptake op Innovative Cybersecurity Solutions. The project started in September 2023 and will run until November 2026. De Vlaamse Waterweg - The Flemish Waterway participates in the project to enhance the resilience of the organisation by co-developing targeted training modules for operational technology environments.