This page introduces you to the major steps that are needed to apply for a Horizon Europe call.

Application process

The NCP Flanders presentation “Horizon Europe in a nutshell” serves as a first guide in the application process. In brief it explains what Horizon Europe is and helps you to assess if it could be interesting for you and your organisation to apply.

The Horizon Europe Online manual provides all practical details on the submission process of proposals on the Funding and Tender portal, how to apply for funding, what will happen after the call deadline and offers guidance for the post-grant signature/project management phase.

The Horizon Europe Programme Guide offers more content related topics which are essential for preparing your proposal.

The application to a Horizon Europe call implies four major steps.

1/ Find a suitable call for proposal

The Funding and Tender portal hosts call topics of all EU funding programmes. Through the left side menu you can filter on Horizon Europe and further on specific programme parts of your interest.

If you want to filter only the call topics of your domain of interests, then NCP Flanders Horizon Europe programme pages will guide you directly to the specific call topics.

4/ Register your organisation

If you want to participate in a project proposal, your organisation needs to be registered and have a 9-digit Participant Identification Code (PIC). The 2-steps verification  process for securing your registration in the Funding and tender portal, installed in 2020, is explained by the Commission through webinars and tutorials.

NCP Flanders can give you support during your application process and provides basic information and tips and tricks to support you with writing your proposal.



image of Lorcenis - Long Lasting Reinforced Concrete for Energy Infrastructures under Severe Operating Conditions

Lorcenis - Long Lasting Reinforced Concrete for Energy Infrastructures under Severe Operating Conditions

ChemStream is an innovative chemical R&D company, specialized in translating material problems in sustainable formulations with focus on nano-dispersions, functional coatings and inkjet inks. Within LORCENIS they will develop super absorbing polymers (SAPs) to be mixed within the concrete matrices for improving the active internal curing, self-healing and self-sealing properties of the concrete. Grindig SAPs.

ChemStream bvba and Ghent University are involved in Horizon 2020-project for developing long lasting reinforced concrete for energy infrastructures.