
Evaluation results - ERC Consolidator Grant 2024 call

Published on | 2 months ago

Programmes ERC

The results of the 2024 European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant call (call deadline 12 December 2023) were published. Consolidator Grants are open to researchers with 7-12 years of experience since completion of PhD (extensions are possible under certain documented circumstances), a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal.

Proposals are evaluated in 28 evaluation panels in three research domains (Physical Sciences and Engineering, Social Sciences and Humanities and Life Sciences) composed of top scientists and scholars coming from all over the world and in addition by remote referees with necessary specialised expertise (two to five per proposal).

Of the 2313 submitted proposals 328 researchers with 43 different nationalities received an ERC Consolidator Grant: 94 In Life Sciences, 131 in Physical Sciences and Engineering and 103 in Social Sciences and Humanities. In the ERCEA news articles more background on the evaluation results, call statistics and several project examples are highlighted.

Among the 328 selected researchers are seven based at Flemish host institutions. The projects of these seven Principal Investigators (PIs) are presented in the news articles of Universiteit GentKU Leuven and Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Orhan Agirdag, KU Leuven, ChatEQUITY - Educational Inequalities and Generative AI: A Focus on Language Diversity, panel Social Sciences and Humanities 3

Pierre-Thomas Brun, KU Leuven, STITCH - Studying Threads Intricately Complex Hydrodynamics, panel Physical Sciences and Engineering 8

Elisabetta Costa, Universiteit Antwerpen, ReWorkChange - Remote Work and Social Change: An Anthropological Approach, panel Social Sciences and Humanities 8

Nikos Deligiannis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, IONIAN – Reinventing Multiterminal Coding for Intelligent Machines, panel Physical Sciences and Engineering 7

Tine Destrooper, Universiteit Gent, GROUNDOC - Innovation and documentation: Reconstructing the paradigm of transitional justice from the ground up,  panel Social Sciences and Humanities 2

Liselot Hudders, Universiteit Gent, KIDFLUENCER - Towards a Kid-Centric, Dynamic and Hybrid Theory of Consumer Socialization to Understand the Dynamics and Implications of the Kidfluencer Phenomenon, panel Social Sciences and Humanities 3

Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, MARIS - A Multidimensional Analysis of Racism and Social Immobility at the Societal Level, panel Social Sciences and Humanities 3

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image of ERC grants for UGent professor Lieven Eeckhout

ERC grants for UGent professor Lieven Eeckhout

Professor Lieven Eeckhout’s main research interests include computer architecture and the hardware/software interface with a specific emphasis on performance evaluation and modeling, and dynamic resource management.

Professor Eeckhout is the recipient of a European Research Council (ERC) Starting grant, Advanced grant and three Proof of Concept grants. Two of his former PhD students founded in 2013 CoScale, a spin-off in data center monitoring, which was acquired by New Relic.