
Three new calls for open access to JRC’s research infrastructures

Published on | 1 year ago

Programmes Joint Research Center

The Joint Research Center (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service, has launched three new calls for the purposes of training and capacity building in its scientific laboratories and facilities to people working in academia and research organisations, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and more in general to the public and private sector. More information on this initiative can be found here.

The three new calls concern the following JRC facilities:

The Hopkinson Bar facility (HopLab) is used for the study of materials and of structural components to very fast dynamic loads, such as those due to blasts and impacts, where knowledge of the material behaviour under high strain-rates is necessary.

The ELSA Reaction Wall is a facility of unique dimensions and capabilities, capable of conducting experimental tests on full-scale specimens for the safety assessment of structures against earthquakes and other natural and man-made hazards.

The Nanobiotechnology Laboratory features state-of-the-art equipped facilities designed to foster interdisciplinary studies. Priorities are the detection of micro (nano)plastics and the characterisation of nano-biotechnology based health products.

To find more information about the call click on the title of the relevant facility.




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