European funding is a complex matter. We help you to understand the policy context of the Horizon Europe programme.

Strategic dimension – Flemish government

The various work programmes with calls for proposals are drafted by several Programme Committees consisting of delegates of the participating countries in Horizon Europe & Digital Europe.

Representatives from the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI) inform on the drafting process and collect input from stakeholders located in Flanders to bring it on the Belgian and European level, which results in a concrete work programme. This input can typically consist of suggestions for new topics, requests for adaptations on scale or content of proposed projects.

Contact details of Horizon Europe programme committee delegates are available here. Contact details of the Digital Europe programme committee delegate are available here.

Strategic dimension Horizon Europe – European Commission

In 2023, the Commission organised a public consultation on the past, present, and future of the European Research and Innovation Framework programmes. The insights gained from the consultation provide valuable input and will feed into the ongoing strategic planning process for the next Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2025-2027, which was launched in Autumn 2022, and into the preparations of the next Framework Programme for Research & Innovation (FP10).

The strategic plan defines the orientations for the Horizon Europe programme (mainly for Pillar II) and outlines the contributions of its various parts. These orientations mirror the political priorities of the European Union, outline the way research and innovation can address them and enable the Commission to better measure impact. The Strategic Plan 2025-2027 is expected to be adopted beginning of 2024. Find out more here.

In September 2023, EWI published a ‘Flemish reflection paper on the tenth European Framework Programme for R&I’ as a contribution to the preparation of the next Framework Programme.



image of Lorcenis - Long Lasting Reinforced Concrete for Energy Infrastructures under Severe Operating Conditions

Lorcenis - Long Lasting Reinforced Concrete for Energy Infrastructures under Severe Operating Conditions

ChemStream is an innovative chemical R&D company, specialized in translating material problems in sustainable formulations with focus on nano-dispersions, functional coatings and inkjet inks. Within LORCENIS they will develop super absorbing polymers (SAPs) to be mixed within the concrete matrices for improving the active internal curing, self-healing and self-sealing properties of the concrete. Grindig SAPs.

ChemStream bvba and Ghent University are involved in Horizon 2020-project for developing long lasting reinforced concrete for energy infrastructures.