In the Online Manual extensive details can be found regarding Grant Management with in-depth explanations about reporting, amendments, deliverables, dissemination & exploitation etc.
NCP Flanders’ Infosheets offer a deep dive into specific issues and answer to frequently asked questions. It is worthwhile having a look as several of our Infosheets focus on grant management.
In the case your organisations has support services in place for European funding, it is likely also post-award services are offered. Your organisation’s support office is always your first point of contact. You can consult a (non-exhaustive) list with the necessary contact information here.
The Belgian Association of Research Managers and Administrators in European funded projects (BE-ARMA) can also be of help with any questions on grant management. BE-ARMA supports professionals active in the management of EU funded research & innovation projects and aims to stimulate peer-to-peer learning and exchange of best practices. Find out more here.
The Horizon2020 twinning project ScreenME has as its objective to enhance excellence in screen media entrepreneurship at Tallinn University (TLU). To do so, ScreenME has established a network of universities across Europe that aim to improve research into and teaching of entrepreneurship for the screen media industry. ScreenME will develop a teaching course and will kick off research initiatives and projects on entrepreneurial activities in media organisations. The research group on ‘Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology (SMIT)’ of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is partner in the network and is involved in two cross-cutting activities of the project: support for early stage researchers and developing stakeholder involvement.