We guide stakeholders located in Flanders during the whole process of planning and application to a call topic. Any Flanders-based organisation can request advice from the NCP advisors free of charge.

Planning & developing of your Horizon Europe project proposal

Tips and tricks to write a good proposal as well as the steps of the evaluation process are elaborated in this video series on Proposal Writing under Horizon Europe (only for registered users).

NCP Flanders’ Infosheets offers a deep dive into specific issues and answer to frequently asked questions. Several of our infosheets can be of help for preparing your proposal.

Pre-screening & review of your proposal against the EU criteria



image of AI4Culture - Empowering Cultural Heritage through Artificial Intelligence

AI4Culture - Empowering Cultural Heritage through Artificial Intelligence

The AI4Culture project, funded under Digital Europe call Data space for cultural heritage (deployment) aims to develop an online capacity building hub for AI technologies in the cultural heritage sector. This hub contributes to the creation of the European common cultural heritage data space, which provides support to the digital transformation of Europe’s cultural sector and fosters the creation and reuse of content in cultural and creative sectors. The Flemish company CrossLang is one of the 12 partners in the project and brings in its year-long expertise in the development of multilingual technology to the transcription and translation of scanned printed and handwritten documents.