By informing and spreading awareness, we ensure that Horizon Europe & Digital Europe become known and readily accessible to all potential applicants, irrespective of sector.

Who can participate?

Horizon Europe calls for proposals are open to any legal entity, private or public, profit or non-profit. The programme offers both mono-beneficiary and multi-beneficiary opportunities. In the latter case, calls for proposals mostly aim at consortia of at least 3 partners established in a different participating country. More details can be found in the Horizon Europe General Annexes to the work programme. There are exceptions to the rules. Always consult the specific conditions in the call topic.

Digital Europe
offers mostly multi-beneficiary actions and is also open to a wide range of public & private stakeholders. Detailed information on who can participate is available in the work programmes and call documents.

Whereas Horizon Europe is a key instruments to implement Europe’s strategy for international cooperation, Digital Europe is more restricted in its possibilities for cooperation for reasons of security strategic autonomy of the EU. Find out more in the infosheet ‘Restrictions in partners that apply for Digital Europe projects’.



image of Luciad - Geospatial software for mission-critical operations

Luciad - Geospatial software for mission-critical operations

Founded in 1999, Luciad serves clients in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Though it recently was acquired by Hexagon Geospatial, they kept an agile SME mindset. Thousands of end users work directly with Luciad’s geospatial applications, and major systems integrators (think Airbus Defense and Space, Lufthansa Systems, NATO, Thales…) incorporate its software in their own products.

NCP Flanders went to Leuven to interview Frederic Houbie, the Research Projects Manager at Luciad, about how he sees Horizon 2020. Luciad is a partner in the MARISA project, which is a collaborative RIA project submitted to an ICT call topic