Published on | 4 weeks ago
Programmes Climate, Energy, MobilityThe Clean Aviation partnership is organising a pitching event for entities interested in applying for the Clean Aviation’s third Call for Proposals.This will take place on the 13th of February. The deadline for registration has now been extended until the 24th of January. All information can be found here.
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Only for stakeholders located in Flanders
Culture and society Agro-Food, Environment Missions
The TIDAL ArtS project is funded under the Mission for clean oceans and inland waters and combines the power of art and science to inspire action for our ocean and waters. In april they will publish a Lighthouse call for proposals of up to 15.000 euro per artistic work. The aim of the project is notably to create public art and raise awareness on... read more
Digital, Industry & Space Cybersecurity Defence EDF
We hereby want you to give an overview of the known activities related to the EDF 2025 calls: Publication of the European Defence Fund (EDF) Work Programme 2025 infosessions: Belgian and Flanders EDF infoday on February 21st in Brussels The EDF Info Days 2025 will take place on 2-3 April in hybrid format in&n... read more
Atlas Integratie & Inburgering Antwerpen is an autonomous agency and a non-profit organisation responsible for implementing the Flemish integration policy on behalf of and for the City of Antwerp. Atlas offers several types of services for newcomers and Antwerp’s public and non-profit organisations.
In 2018, under the leadership of HafenCity University Hamburg, Atlas participated in the H2020 call 'Addressing the challenge of migrant integration through ICT-enabled solutions'. The proposal 'MICADO - Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards' was approved by the European Commission and the project started in January 2019 and runs until June 2022.