NCP Flanders offers, in collaboration with other partners, different types of trainings throughout the year.
Consult the event calendar for upcoming events and/or browse past events for useful training materials.
NCP Flanders will assist you in finding partners for international cooperation and connecting you to different networks.
Attention: if you are not located in Flanders, please check here who can help you.
Please consult the dedicated Horizon Europe for beginners video series (including hand-outs of the presentations).
If you are a staff member of a university, university college or research organisation … . Most of these organisations located in Flanders, have installed a European Funding Support Office which is your first contact point.
The various work programmes with calls for proposals are drafted by several Programme Committees consisting of delegates of the participating countries in Horizon Europe.
Representatives from EWI (Department of Economy, Science and Innovation) inform on the drafting process and collect input from stakeholders located in Flanders to bring it on the Belgian and European level, which results in a concrete work programme. This input can typically consist of suggestions for new topics, requests for adaptations on scale, content of proposed projects or feedback on former participants.
You can contact the Horizon Europe programme committee delegate from Flanders of the programme of your interest.
Directly look for partners from abroad on our dedicated partner searches page.
Find more information on our partner search services and other possibilities, including the services of the Enterprise Europe Network here.
Please find a summary of these main connection services in these slides
NCP offers advice to potential applicants and beneficiaries.
NCP Flanders guides stakeholders located in Flanders during the whole process of planning of and application to a Horizon call topic.
Any Flanders-based organisation – research centres, universities, companies, etc. – can request advice from the NCP.
Opportunities and strategy: identification of Horizon funding opportunities that match your project ideas and long-term strategy
Concept validation: optimisation of your project ideas to fit identified Horizon opportunities
Planning of the project: Tips and tricks are elaborated in this video series on Proposal Writing under Horizon Europe.
Writing process: The steps of the evaluation process are elaborated in detail also in this video series, which provides you with tips and tricks to write a good proposal.
Critical proposal review: proposal writing follow-up to increase the quality and chances of success of your proposal
Support to on-going projects with project and financial reporting, contract amendments and other legal and financial issues. Administrative, legal and financial issues are elaborated on the Support for Legal and Financial issues page.
The NCP advisor in your field is open to receive your questions from the complete proposal and project cycle about the call topics of the programme of your interest. Get the right contact details of whom to turn to under each Horizon Europe programme section or via contact in the menu on top of the page.
The EITHOS project, funded under Horizon Europe Cluster 3 call “Online identity theft is countered”, aims to develop a “European Identity Theft Observatory System” (EITHOS). The system will provide easy access to information and intelligence about previous and current identity theft related trends to empower EU citizens, Law Enforcements Agencies (LEAs), and policy makers to further contribute to the prevention, detection, and investigation of crimes related to online identity theft. The Cyber and Data Security Lab (CDSL), part of the Law, Science, Technology and Society (LSTS) Research Group at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), is one of the 12 partners in the EITHOS consortium, contributing its vast expertise on legal aspects of data protection, cybersecurity and information security law and policy.