Legal & Financial Issues
NCP Flanders guides and supports you with all legal and financial issues during the complete life cycle of Horizon Europe and Digital Europe

Reference documents

All available reference documents for  Horizon Europe and  Digital Europe can be found on the Funding and Tender Portal. Herewith an overview of different types of reference documents that are pivotal for applicants/beneficiaries in the programmes:


Horizon Europe

Digital Europe

Model Grant Agreement

Find it here
Find it here for lump sum grants

Find it here
Find it here for lump sum grants

Annotated Model Grant Agreement – user guide, explaining the grant agreement

Find it here

Find it here

Programme Guide  - details on structure, budget, political priorities, proposal preparation

Find it here

Not applicable

Indicative Audit Programme

Foreseen 2024

Not applicable

Online manual

In the Online Manual extensive details can be found regarding the application process  as well as the Evaluation and Grant Signature Procedure and Grant Management.

Infosheets on Legal & Financial issues

NCP Flanders’ Infosheets offer a deep dive into specific issues and answer to frequently asked questions. It is worthwhile having a look as several of our Infosheets focus on legal and financial aspects.



image of ATHENA - Cybersecurity for the water sector

ATHENA - Cybersecurity for the water sector

The ATHENA project addresses emerging risks for the water sector in operational technology created by digitalisation. The project responds to Digital Europe call DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-03-UPTAKE-CYBERSOLUTIONS – Uptake op Innovative Cybersecurity Solutions. The project started in September 2023 and will run until November 2026. De Vlaamse Waterweg - The Flemish Waterway participates in the project to enhance the resilience of the organisation by co-developing targeted training modules for operational technology environments.