AP Hogeschool Antwerpen - research@ap.be - 03/220 56 49
Arteveldehogeschool Gent - EU-research@arteveldehs.be - 09/234 91 68 or 09/234 91 16
Flanders Make - Ger van den Kerkhof - 011/ 79 05 60
Hogeschool Gent - onderzoek@hogent.be - 09/243 32 84
ILVO - Cathy Plasman - 09/272 25 31
IMEC - Anne.vandenbosch@imec.be - 016/281 682
INBO - evinbo@inbo.be - 0490/ 66 68 76
Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde - research@itg.be - 03/247 66 86
KU Leuven Idea>proposal - Eu-info@kuleuven.be - 016/320 944-446
KU Leuven Proposal>Project - Lrd.eu@kuleuven.be - 016/320 631-621
LUCA School of Arts - matthias.somers@luca-arts.be - 02/447 18 42
Odisee vzw - Willem vanden Berg - 09/267 27 14
UCLL - Research.expertise@ucll.be - 011/180 900
Universiteit Antwerpen - research@uantwerpen.be - 03/265 30 02
Universiteit Gent - EU-team@ugent.be - 09/264 3029
Universiteit Hasselt - Euresearch@uhasselt.be - 011/268050 - 9043
VIB - Lieve.ongena@vib.be - 09/244 66 11
VITO - EU-liaison@vito.be - 014/335 669
VIVES Hogeschool - Elke Denys - 056/28 06 29
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - elo@vub.be - 02/629 2210
Throughout Flanders, several Flemish institutes offer support services for European funding for research and innovation, also known as the European Liaison offices.
The list here is non-exhaustive and being continuously updated. In case your institute would like to be included on this page please send a message to info@ncpflanders.be.
If you’ve never heard of Limecraft, you’re clearly not working in the media sector. Their SaaS platform provides integrated workflows for media management, scripted and unscripted TV, and subtitling and localisation. It is used by leading broadcasting companies – such as BBC, VRT, NPO… – and production firms of which De Mensen or Hotel Hungaria might ring a bell (at least if you are Belgian).
NCP Flanders went to Ghent to interview Maarten Verwaest, CEO and cofounder, about how he sees Horizon 2020. Limecraft is a partner in the MeMAD project, which is a collaborative RIA project submitted to an ICT call topic.