European Green Deal

About this programme

Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. To overcome these challenges, Europe states it needs a new growth strategy that transforms the Union into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy where

  • there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050
  • economic growth is decoupled from resource use
  • no person and no place is left behind

This will happen by turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities across all policy areas and making the transition just and inclusive for all.

New technologies, sustainable solutions and disruptive innovation are critical to achieve the objectives. The full range of instruments available under the Horizon Europe programme will support the research and innovation efforts needed.

But to respond to the ambition of the European Green Deal objectives, Horizon 2020 will support Green Deal related research and innovation with a call close to 1 billion €. The draft workprogramme is available, the final version is expected to be published late August.

The EU will also provide financial support and technical assistance to help people, businesses and regions that are most affected by the move towards the green economy. This is called the Just Transition Mechanism and will help mobilise at least €100 billion over the period 2021-2027 in the most affected regions through:

  • Just Transition Fund
  • INVESTEU Just Transition scheme
  • EIB public sector loan facility

On this NCP Flanders webpage you will find

  • "related links" links to COM webpages and other green deal communications
  • In the documents an overview of the Green deal topics in Horizon 2020 is presented with the links to the different draft work programmes
  • in "news" up-to-date news items
  • 1 contact address for all general questions though Horizon 2020 green deal area
    specific questions can be sent to the following colleagues (coordinates to be found in "our team"):
    • area1 - Increasing climate ambition -> Kathleen Goris
    • area 2 - Clean Energy -> Bart De Caesemaeker
    • area 3 - Circular economy -> Kathleen Goris
    • area 4 - Energy efficient buildings -> Mark Antonissen
    • area 5 - Green airports and ports -> Pascal Verheye
    • area 6 - Sustainable food from farm to fork -> Patrick De Molder
    • area 7 - Restoring ecosystem services -> Kathleen Goris
    • area 8 - Toxic-free environment -> Patrick De Molder
    • area 9 - Strengthening the knowledge -> Margot Beereboom
    • area 10 - Citizen empowerment -> Margot Beereboom


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image of RUSTICA - Converting organic residues into bio-based fertiliser products

RUSTICA - Converting organic residues into bio-based fertiliser products

The RUSTICA project obtained funding under Horizon 2020, more in particular under the topic ‘Closing nutrient cycles’.  RUSTICA focuses on demonstration and implementation of circular bio-based nutrient valorisation chains, focusing on waste from the fruit and vegetable agro-food system. The project kicked off in 2021 and will run until 2024. It will use a strong multi-actor approach to co-create both socio-economic and technological knowledge in four case study regions in Europe and one in Colombia. The Flanders-based company DRANCO is one of the project partners and acts as technical project manager for the entire project. DRANCO participates in the project to develop its own technologies, to network and to help make the transition to a more circular based economy.