SC3 - Secure, clean and efficient energy

About this programme

The Energy Challenge is designed to support the transition to a reliable, sustainable and competitive energy system.

To make the transition to a competitive energy system, we need to overcome a number of challenges, such as increasingly scarce resources, growing energy needs and climate change.

The Energy Challenge is structured around seven specific objectives and research areas:

  • Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint
  • Low-cost, low-carbon electricity supply
  • Alternative fuels and mobile energy sources
  • A single, smart European electricity grid
  • New knowledge and technologies
  • Robust decision making and public engagement
  • Market uptake of energy and ICT innovation.
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Your NCP contact for this programme

Image of Ria De Breucker

Ria De Breucker

+32 2 553 13 77

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image of ScreenME - Enhancing excellence in screen media entrepreneurship

ScreenME - Enhancing excellence in screen media entrepreneurship

The Horizon2020 twinning project ScreenME has as its objective to enhance excellence in screen media entrepreneurship at Tallinn University (TLU). To do so, ScreenME has established a network of universities across Europe that aim to improve research into and teaching of entrepreneurship for the screen media industry. ScreenME will develop a teaching course and will kick off research initiatives and projects on entrepreneurial activities in media organisations. The research group on ‘Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology (SMIT)’ of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is partner in the network and is involved in two cross-cutting activities of the project: support for early stage researchers and developing stakeholder involvement.