Science with and for society

About this programme

Science with and for Society (SwafS) will help build effective cooperation between science and society, to recruit new talent for science and to pair scientific excellence with social awareness and responsibility.

Science with and for Society will be instrumental in addressing the European societal challenges tackled by Horizon 2020, building capacities and developing innovative ways of connecting science to society. It will make science more attractive (notably to young people), raise the appetite of society for innovation, and open up further research and innovation activities. It allows all societal actors (researchers, citizens, policy makers, business, third sector organisations etc.) to work together during the whole research and innovation process in order to better align both the process and its outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of European society. This approach to research and innovation is termed Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).

The Science with and for Society (SwafS) work programme 2018-2020 shall focus on five calls for proposals in which proposals are invited against specific topics:

  • Accelerating and catalysing processes of institutional change
  • Stepping up support to Gender Equality in Research & Innovation policy
  • Building the territorial dimension of SwafS partnerships
  • Exploring and supporting citizen science
  • Building the knowledge base for SwafS
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Image of Margot Beereboom

Margot Beereboom

+32 2 550 15 76

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image of SeaFoodTomorrow - improving the safety and dietary properties of seafood

SeaFoodTomorrow - improving the safety and dietary properties of seafood

The Project SeafoodTomorrow is a project that is approved within the call BG-08-2017: Innovative sustainable solutions for improving the safety and dietary properties of seafood.

The three-year SeafoodTomorrow project brings together 34 partners. From Flanders, ILVO takes part in the project.They are responsible for setting up two databases which are the central point of the project to gather all the project data from analysis and assessement. ILVO is also leader of the workpackage dealing with authenticity, traceability and labelling. ILVO is also involved a the workpackage about novel food preparation. And in the managerial part, ILVO is head of the IPC- Intellectual Property Comité.